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Mystery can have a physical shape: The works of Lucien Jeanprêtre
Visualizing Time: Raheleh Minoosh Zomorodinia
Patterns in Nature: Taking a Deeper Look Into The Mathematics That Surround Us
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Mystery can have a physical shape: The works of Lucien Jeanprêtre
Interacting with Code: Donald Hanson
From Bits to Atoms
The Cyber-Mysticism of Manny Robertson
Visualizing Time: Raheleh Minoosh Zomorodinia
Patterns in Nature: Taking a Deeper Look Into The Mathematics That Surround Us
Scents of the Apocalypse
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Mystery can have a physical shape: The works of Lucien Jeanprêtre
Enter the trickster. . . Born in Neuchâtal, Switzerland, San Francisco-based artist and game designer Lucien Jeanprêtre spent his teenage...
Interacting with Code: Donald Hanson
Born in Walnut Grove, CA on a pear farm(!), new media artist/VJ Donald Hanson turned to circuit bending at an early age to escape from...
From Bits to Atoms
San Francisco artist-duo Can Buyukberber and Yagmur Uyuanik create a new visual language using light and sound with digital mapping and...
The Cyber-Mysticism of Manny Robertson
Manny Robertson is a mixed media artist currently living, studying and working in the Bay area. Their recent works very much employs the...
Visualizing Time: Raheleh Minoosh Zomorodinia
Portrait of Raheleh Minoosh Zomorodinia, image courtesy of the artist Raheleh Minoosh Zomorodinia is a San Francisco based multimedia...
Scents of the Apocalypse
Scents of the Apocalypse, perfumes in glass droppers. Image courtesy of the artist. Emerging bay area artist and scholar Lindsay Tunkl...
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